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    locations 10 June 2021

    Bizerte, town in northern Tunisia. It lies along the Mediterranean coast at the mouth of a channel that links Lake Bizerte with the sea. With its picturesque old port, beautiful beaches, atmospheric corniche and great restaurants, Bizerte is one of the belles of the north.

    Spanish Fort

    Built from 1570 to 1573 by Ulj Ali, the military ruler of Algiers, and named for a military victory over the Spanish, this fortress overlooks the medina from the north. All that remains are two long wall sections and one citadel. The views across the town, over the modern cement amphitheater, are stupendous.

    Fort Sidi Henni

    This squat little fort, facing the Kasbah, was modified by the Aghlabids in the 9 centuries.

    Great Mosque

    Built in 1652, this mosque has an octagonal, stone-built minaret decorated with blue-and-white tiling.

    Remel Beach

    A long stretch of sand with a backdrop of pine groves, and it even has its own dramatically wrecked ship in the shallows.

    Lake Ichkeul

    Lake Ichkeul is the last remaining lake in a chain that once extended across North Africa. Best known of all the national parks in Tunisia, the Ichkeul National Park is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its lake and wetlands attract vast numbers of migratory birds, including flamingos. The lake's waters, which have a high salinity level, are home to many species of fish.

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