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    locations 10 June 2021

    Djerba is an island in south Tunisia with beautiful sandy beaches, whitewashed domed houses and beautiful, peaceful and silent countryside. One from the best ecological destinations in the world. This island preserves its traditions and its unique architectural theme.

    Borj El Kebir

    Borj El Kebir is an ancient castle is the largest and best-preserved. It was built in the end of the 14 centuries over the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Griba. In 1903, it became a property of the Tunisian authorities who gave it the status of a national historical monument on March 15, 1904 and transformed it into a museum.


    Synagogue is a fine intermezzo, located in central Djerba. It is the most prominent reminder of the island’s vibrant Jewish community, who have lived in Er-Riadh since 586 BC, and is still an important place of pilgrimage for Jews from all over the world. Although not very impressive from the outside, El-Ghriba interior is a rich mix of blue tiles warmed by sun-light streaming in through colored glass windows. The Torah scrolls kept at this synagogue are among the most important and valuable in the world.


    The medina is a quaint maze of alleyways lined by picturesque whitewashed houses and the purple bougainvillea growing on the house’s white facades against the backdrop of a clear blue sky.

    Djerba beach

    The best beaches of Tunisia are to be found in Djerba «island of the thousand palm trees».

    Ras Rmel

    Flamingo Island is a peculiar almost surreal scenery. Not really an island but more consisting of enormous wetlands, it is an eco-reserve where thousands of flamingo’s flocks together.

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