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    EL KEF

    locations 10 June 2021

    El Kef a small city in north-west Tunisia. The city is built onto the southern face of the Jebel Dyr Mountain, which is part of the Tebersouk Mountains, the eastern end of the High Atlas Mountains. El Kef is a laid-back town, offering an authentic taste of Tunisia.

    Jugurtha Tableland

    The Jugurtha Tableland covers 80 ha and its highest point is at an altitude of 1271 m. A real natural fortress that has been used as a refuge throughout history. Completely surrounded by sheer cliffs, it overlooks vast fields of wheat and hills.
    The site houses a number of different remains, including dolmens, a Byzantine arc, a small mosque, reservoirs carved out of the rock, caves and prehistoric tombs.

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