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    locations 10 June 2021

    Sfax is the heartbeat of the Tunisian economy through its industries and its port which provides an important part of Tunisia trade transactions. This economic space was built over the centuries and that since the Romans.
    Architecturally, Sfax is rich of monuments built in the art nouveau, art deco and neo moorish, bordering its medina.


    Sfax’s medina is relatively small, measuring only 400 x 500 m and is enclosed by a well-preserved circuit of walls. The original mud brick walls were made by the Aghlabids in the 9 century and were strongly fortified in the 12 centuries. Unusually, compared to the medinas in Tunis and Sousse, the streets here are laid out in a grid plan, presumably inherited from the roman town.


    The Kasbah was a military garrison before and during the French protectorate (1881-1956). The French influence has been removed and the Kasbah now hosts rooms of displays relating the industry for which Sfax is famous. Definitely a Highlight is the view from the top of either of the towers that form part of the Kasbah.

    New town

    Sfax’s new town district lies between the harbor and the medina. It was constructed during the French protectorate, though only a few buildings from the colonial period now survive.

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