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    Dear partners,
    colleagues and friends!

    It's a pleasure to welcome you all and show the full potential of Comanchero, including the full range of production services. One of our goals is to make the Tunisian film industry more transparent and make it appear as a solid and reliable partner. The potential of our company together with the supportive measures of the Tunisian government create enormous opportunities for long-term international cooperation.

    Comanchero is a company founded by producer Elena Peresvetova after her film production career. The company is headquartered in Nefta and has representative offices in Sousse and Tunis. She has produced several feature films, television series, and documentaries. Our team consists of highly qualified executive producers, managers, and administrators specializing in production services throughout Tunisia. We offer a wide range of production services, including location scouting, casting, equipment rental, and post-production. Our expertise also extends to securing filming permits, coordinating logistics, and providing local crew and talent. Additionally, we provide support for script development, budget management, and scheduling to ensure a smooth production process. Our team is experienced in handling the unique challenges of both small-scale projects and large international productions. In international filming, the key to success is understanding the cultural, linguistic, and technological differences involved.

    ©Comanchero 2023 / All rights reserved.